After yesterday’s amazing temperatures, this morning we awoke to overcast skies and lower temperatures and the forecast of evening showers. Today’s event was a men’s hockey game between Norway and Austria at noon. We headed out to Olympic Park early. When…
Day 13 – A double track day
Finally a sleep in day! In fact, if there wasn’t a life boat drill we probably would have missed the races which were at 2 today. Meals are at set times so since we had missed breakfast, we decided to…
Day 12 – Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentines Day, Everyone!!! Omg can the weather get any better. Again, this morning we woke up to the sun streaming through the window. The weather was calling for +18 at Olympic Park, we were heading up the mountain to…
Day 11 – Reunion!
On Wednesday night while Sue was checking email and Facebook, she came across a story about the Cdn women’s hockey beating the USA, in the comments there was a interesting post from Ken Tralnberg saying that he had been to…
Day 10 – Heading for the beach
Today’s forecast was supposed to be +18 and sunny. Well it certainly was sunny but we are sure by the sunburns that it was warmer than that. So what does one do when the weather is sunny and hot? Head…
Day 9 – Laundry Day
Today it was supposed to be our rainy day and we are getting low on clothes so with no events it was designated laundry day. It turned out to be overcast and +18 but with no clothes it was laundry…
Day 8 – Michael’s Day
The weather continues to be fabulous, today was again sunny and +18. We all cooked in our clothes, Sue was the “coolest” as she was able to wear her famous “I’m on Michael’s team t-shirt and her Canada sweater. After…
Day 7 – 1st Event day
We woke to another glorious day, sunny and warm (+13). Today is our first day of events-ski jumping at Russki Gorki Ski jumping Center at 9:30pm. However, first we need to deal with a few logistics. Sue, Kate, Agnes and…